Two Dogs
National Theatre of China
06—09 October
A tossed salad of improv, rock music, Laurel-and-Hardystyle double act and careful social satire.
Two country canines hit the road for the big smoke, but when they fall into a metropolitan miasma of reality TV, Viagra, SARS and Louis Vuitton knockoffs, they begin to realise a dog’s life isn’t what it used to be.
Director Meng Jinghui (Rhinoceros in Love, 2011 Melbourne Festival) is one of the most influential theatre artists in Asia today, and his laugh-out-loud serving of comic mayhem Two Dogs can lay claim to being one of the most popular works in China.
Performers Liu Xiaoye and Wang Yin have notched up more than 1,000 performances in the lead roles but with an ever-flexible script and onstage chaos forever threatening to tip over into anarchy, no two shows are the same. Pinballing from punk rock to commedia dell’arte, broad slapstick to delicate social satire, these two pooches practice a kind of comic acupuncture on the nerve points of global culture.
导 演:孟京辉
主 演:刘晓晔、韩鹏翼
剧情简介:两只狗离开家乡进入城市,他们寻找幸福的生活,寻找伟大的理想,然而城里的世界并不象他们想象得那么 美好……四处碰壁之后,他们对生活产 生了各种意见,这些意见是他们简单纯 洁的头脑 法理解的生存难题。为了能 够吃上一口饱饭,来福和旺财在街头卖 艺,参加明星选秀进入娱乐界,去当保 安,被富人收养又被抛弃,被打狗队打 得遍体鳞伤,最后,他们决定勇敢地面 对生活,不管生活有多 辛,一定要勇敢地走下去!
Presenting Partner
- Translator
- Nina Wei
- Comedian
- Declan Fay